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Letter of Engagement Contracting Process: Because every organization is different, the development of a Corporate Health & Wellness program is very dynamic and unique to the organization it was developed for. We approach all of our business-to-Business relationships with the development of a Letter of Engagement which outlines the structure of our services and how we bill for our services, which is often a combination of Lump Sum and/or Hourly Rate Plus Expenses. Once our Letter of Engagement is accepted and a singed copy received, we then will bill monthly for services rendered. The following are the typical services we provide: |
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Health & Wellness Program Preliminary Design and Schematic Budgeting: Schematic planning is the first step to designing and setting up a Health and Wellness Program. Everyone at a senior management level has to have a Bird’s Eye View of the total program scope, its budget, and its benefits before the overall program can be initiated. The Strategic Path Group will often ask to interview members on the senior management team individually to acquire an understanding of what the organization is looking for in a Health and Wellness Program. The end result of this phase is the acceptance and signing of the Letter of Engagement Contract. |
Leadership Orientation Retreats: Bonding with Senior Management is our first objective and we do this by guiding the Senior Management Team through the entire Health and Wellness Development program as outlined in the Schematic Planning Process. Here the Senior Management Team will take in advance of our retreat, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the EQi 2.0 Emotional Intelligence assessments for debriefing and teambuilding during our retreat. Location and cost of retreat are worked out as a team effort. Often, recreation activities are designed into our Senior Management Retreats. Our retreats usually consist of Friday afternoon arrivals and a Friday welcome and orientation meeting. We meet all day Saturday, Saturday and rap up by Sunday Noon. |
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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Teambuilding: Our first encounter with staff and management together is through a series of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Teambuilding Workshops. MBTI Teambuilding workshops is fantastic and fun way for everyone to bond and connect with each other. The heart of an MBTI Teambuilding Workshop the learning of what it’s like to be each of the MBTI type. By understand what it’s like to others around you, it’s easier to show respect towards others. Respect is the foundation of any team. In addition, Here is where we give everyone a Bird’s Eye View of the Emotional Intelligence Health and Wellness Program that we will be developing together as a team. |
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Health Champion Committee Formation and Training: Through our MBTI® Teambuilding workshops, we ask for volunteers to form our Health Champions Committee. The formation of Health Champions Committee is key to the success of any Health and Wellness Program. Members on the Health Champions Committee connect with their peers to explain the details of our Emotional Intelligence Health and Wellness program in their language. We think of our Health Champions Committee as “Boots on the ground.” The Health Champions Committee will also play a critical role in assisting us in the development of both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and incentive programs. Furthermore, our Health Champions Committee is our frontline promoters of our Health Risk Reports Collection and our Biometric Testing programs. |
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Health Risk Assessments & Biometric Testing: Our next objective is the design and collection of our Health Risk Questionnaires and Biometric Testing. Each organization approaches this step of the design and setup a Health and Wellness Program differently. Needless to say, the better we understand the realities of our health risks as an organization, the more effectively we will be able to dial in our intervention programs, participation programs, and reward programs. Know in advance that the healthier our organization, the more competitive our organization will be in the marketplace. Furthermore, many chronic diseases are salient killers. It’s though our Biometric testing reports that many individuals within the organization may receive a “wakeup” call to start taking action to turn their health conditions around. |
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Emotional Intelligence Culture Teambuilding: Now we start the process of introducing to the organization what Emotional Intelligence is and the benefits of practicing it as a lifestyle. We also at this time start a conversation that health is Physical Health, Social Health, Mental Health, and Financial Health. We give many examples on how they affect each other. Our ultimate goal here is to guide the organization through a series of exercises to develop an Emotional Intelligence based Corporate Culture and how to apply this culture to all four categories of their personal health. If all works well, both staff and management will feel empowered to help each other build and improve their Emotional Intelligence. |
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Health & Wellness Program Design & Setup: At this time, all the information needed to design our Health and Wellness Program should be before us. Working closely with our Health Champions Committee we now develop our Health and Wellness Program strategy, interventions, rewards, participation incentives, and Program Promotion Programs. We hold many meetings at this time to make sure that everyone understands our designed program and our benchmark goals. Often, technology, via Smart Phone Apps, are apart of how we connect everyone to Health and Wellness Program. Thus, it’s during this phase that we make the decision which app we are going to unitize for the roll out of our Health and Wellness Program. |
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Health & Wellness Program Implementation: Here is where the real work begins. All organizations have divisions of labor and different departments will respond to incentive and intervention programs differently. Here we all have to work with the divisions of the organization closely to learn how well departments and individuals are engaging our Health and Wellness program. Adoption of new programs takes time and this especially true when we are trying to influence the lifestyle of others. Much patience is required during our initial rollout of our wellness program. Many changes are to be expected in the first few months of our program. |
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Annual Program Management: Often, the initial design, setup, and rollout of the Health and Wellness Program can be achieved within six months. However, it can take as long as another 2 to 2-1/2 years before the benefits of a Health and Wellness Program will be fully recognized. New organizational leadership programs take time!!! In addition, management and staff come and go and at least once to twice per year, MBTI® Teambuilding workshops and EQi 2.0® Teambuilding workshops what to be held for new employees and/or as refreshers workshops for the entire organization. Here, we provide monthly visits with Senior management and members of the Health Champions Committee. It’s not unusual that organizations ask us to facilitate annual leadership retreats guide them through a Company Mission and Vision Strategic Planning Process to stay competitive in the marketplace. |
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Executive Coaching: From time-to-time, we are asked to work with individuals who are struggling with blending into the mainstream of the organization’s culture. As natural outsiders, we are often able to guide these individuals through the MBTI®, CPI 260®, and EQi 2.0® assessment process to help them understand what aspects of the behavior is holding them back and creating friction with others. We are also asked from time-to-time to be the go between two individuals to initiate a conflict resolution process. Sometimes it’s easier for someone on the outside of an organization to disarm the aggressions and/or disagreements that individuals may hold between each other. |
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Employment Candidate CPI 260 Screening: It’s nearly impossible to learn all that you would want to know about someone before you hire them. It often can take 6 months to a year before you can really start to know and understand how well someone gets along with others. The higher one’s Emotional Intelligence score and/or the higher one’s CPI 260 score, the more likely they are to get along with others and excel within your organization. For key positions within your organization, it makes sense to screen an employment candidate for level of Emotional Intelligence. The CPI 260® and the EQi 2.0® are both fantastic assessments to discover this information in advance of making an employment offer. In addition, if you do higher the employment candidate, you will also now be able to give them a few quality recommendations on how they can improve their management behaviors. |
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Business Plan Development: The Strategic Path Group has over 24 years’ experience consulting and teaching in the area of Business Plan Development. Often, the initiation of an Emotional Intelligence Health and Wellness Program is also a good time to reassess the overall competitive direction of the organization. The amount of time and effort to implement a Health and Wellness program is also the same amount of time and effort to redirect the strategy of an organization. Sometimes, when and where applicable, it makes sense to package corporate growth objectives togethers as one program management process. Markets, technology, and the competition are changing all the time. To stay competitive, your business has to change with the market and the economy. |